A Revolutionary Summer
black girls freer faster
Our Purpose
A Revolutionary Summer is an intensive critical reading and writing program dedicated to shifting harmful narratives about Black women and girls through literature, art, political education, self-inquiry, yoga, and friendship.

Yoga Class with Ms. Arnie Summer 2021

"People often told us that the dress code was so the boys wouldn't be distracted. But then, why were white girls not regulated to the same capacity?
We noticed white girls were getting away with certain 'violations' that Black girls would get sent home for. As a Black, plus-size woman, someone always has something to say about my outfits...The world has taken enough from me, but they can't take my style."
(pg. 41)
"A lot of the things in this world are uncertain...Here's what I know for sure:
1. One kind or encouraging word can alter the course of someone's day. Or life.
2. No matter how long you have been on this earth you can still learn from someone else.
3. There is an infinite gap between who we are and who we want to become. Every decision we make affects how long it takes to reach that goal."
(pg. 69)
"Dear Black Girl,
Strut into the first day of kindergarten with your Dora backpack and knee high socks.
Announce your name to the class full of girls who don't look like you.
Speak loudly. Speak clearly.
Give each syllable space on your tongue, and repeat it if necessary.
They'll still mispronounce it.
Correct them every time."
(pg. 79)